Can a rosary save you from something evil in your house or will it just make it angry?

Chris Garcia: My name’s Chris, Chris Garcia. The experience happened in Hawthorne where my mother lived. But at the time, I was living with my dad at the time, I was living in a two bedroom apartment, but he never stayed with us. He was always with his girlfriend and nice delay. So it was me and my girlfriend staying there alone.

Most of the time, you’d come on the weekend just to hang out and make sure the apartment wasn’t on fire. You know, this night, me and my girlfriend were just hanging out, like usual in the living room, just enjoying the night and watching TV. And she was laying on me and I was sitting upright watching TV.

And I heard a really we both have a really loud bang, like a really loud like piece of metal, right? Like fly across the room or something. I don’t know what it was. So we just looked at each other, like what the hell was that? Because it was just us too. And normally, it’s pretty quiet. It’s a pretty quiet apartment.

So I told her, don’t worry about it. I got up and I went to go check on it. And so when I got up off the couch, I have to turn left to get into the hallway. And so look, I looked down the hallway, and I see the metal the door that goes to the fuse box, like for all the electricity, right? It was completely broken off the wall.

And it was so loud because it flew from the fuse box to the wall across the hall. So it’s not like it just fell. Because if it would have fallen on the ground or has carpet, right, so it would have fallen. And you wouldn’t hear it because it would have been a soft fall. But basically blew off the side of the wall, hit the other wall and then hit the ground. So that’s what I heard. And I was like, that’s weird.

So I looked at the fuse box to see if anything had been like, on fire. If there was some type of shock, you know, that would have caused it. But no, it was just the door flew off the wall. It’s just weird. So like, okay, now I grabbed the door, and I put it back and went to the living room.

We’re just hanging out. So for the rest of the night we moved from the living room to my bedroom. And that day, I had told my little sister like, are you going to come over? I thought maybe she’d come over the next night. We had a conversation that she might have. She was maybe coming over.

So we’re laying in bed and I hear a knock. Right. And at first it was just a slight knock. So I thought it was my sister. But the weird part was that I was in my bedroom. And she knocked my bedroom door. So I was like if she would have knocked the front very front door and I would have let her in the house. You know. So I was like at this point, she’s already in the house. So I was like, that’s weird. Because she didn’t have a key. That’s the only reason that I was like, Okay, are you coming over now.

So anyway, she was in the house. So I figured I must have left the front door open, she knocked on my on my bedroom door. And so I just naturally I go, it was tough to come in, right? Because I wasn’t expecting anyone else I was I was so Chelsea come in, and no response. So I didn’t think anything of it, I kind of left it off. I was like she’s just gonna chill in the living room or whatever.

And little time goes by and I hear another knock at the door. And um, I stopped playing around, you know, like, just come inside or whatever. And this isn’t normal of her to try to scare people or try to be weird like that. So I was like, what, this is just weird, right? So let it be again, I gave you some more time thinking like, you know, she just being dumb.

But then I had another knock. And this one was a little more aggressive and understand what the hell, I didn’t like it. So I got up and the my instinct was just to grab my pocket knife because I was like someone’s in my house. And it’s not my little sister. This isn’t this isn’t good, right? So I told my girlfriend to just stay on the bed and just relax, right? And so I went to the door and got closer to the door.

And as soon as I saw the actual knob of the door shaking with with another bang on the door, right? So it got a little more aggressive as it got to the door. So my mind didn’t go immediately paranormal. I’m still thinking there’s somebody in my house. I’m still thinking somebody’s out there trying to mess with me. And they’re trying to scare me, right?

So when I go from mean I normally go from like, kind of being frightened and scared to like angry, you know, because I’m not afraid I’m more angry that someone’s trying to scare me and fill me with fear. Right? So then from from the anger, then comes the courage to do something about it, right. So now I’m angry and I’m just like what’s going on and I saved from the other side, from my room to the loop to the hallway and I go, if somebody’s in my house, like I’m going to come out and this isn’t going to be nice.

In other words, like I’m trying to protect myself and my girlfriend so be ready I’m going to I’m going to work better as you know, excuse my language, but honestly, this is gonna go down soon as I opened his door so so please like say something, you know, because I’m ready to protect me in my my own in my own house.

So I just grabbed the doorknob and I like flinging it open right but I don’t go into the hallway, I just open it. And by now I’m in the bedroom, everything is dark outside because I just shut everything off. And it’s pretty dark, just the hallway. I can’t see anything. I’m looking at a wall, a dark wall because it’s all dark. So I’m like, I need to go across the hallway to even flick the light on.

And my adrenaline is pumping. So I didn’t think like oh, I can get my phone and use the flashlight or anything. I was just like at the door. I’m like what do I do so Somebody, okay, so someone’s out there, you know, they’re just waiting for me. So I was like, fuck it. So I just ran across the hall and turn the light on. And I immediately start, like, you know, having my head on a swivel looking left looking right, like what’s going on.

And nothing, I checked the bathroom, I checked the living room, I checked the kitchen, this is something happening in my house that I have no control over, you know that I can’t see it. And it’s just messing with me. Like, it has an intention to mess with us. It’s at my door, you know, like, I try to see it from his perspective, like, it’s just front of my door banging on my door trying to freak us out, you know. So then I’m laying there, and we’re just like, freaked out trying to calm down, and I had closed the door, and then it opens up by itself. 

And like I said, I get pissed off, I get mad, I’m not scared. I’m like, Alright, this is like, you’re gonna stop messing with this. This isn’t cool. So at the time, I was getting ready to go to the military, my intention was to go straight out of high school. And so I had like this big giant log that I had gotten hiking, like it was maybe like four foot wide, but it weighed like close to maybe 200. And so, but I was strong enough to pick it up and take a hiking just to exercise with it. Right? It was I had whatever. So got the log, and I leaned it up against the door, close the door, and I leaned up the log up against the door. 

And I said, because it didn’t have a lock, it was just just a door handle to open in and out, like whatever. So I was like, I don’t want this to happen all night, you know, my door messing with us. And then who knows what’s going to happen the rest of the night, like I don’t want it slamming on us and I was more concerned about my girlfriend, I was uh, you can message me all you want. But I don’t want her to be scared like staying here. So I leaned that I leaned the log up against the door, thankfully, the door there open up anymore. And I was like if it does open and this thing is strong, you know, because that logs heavy. So I was just like, Okay, we let it be. 

Man, it gave me chills thinking about it. Because it was like having to protect yourself from someone like a thief coming into your house is different from like not being able to see anything. And like, what do you do? You know, I’m just like, by now we’re all we’re both knocked out. So my eyes open. And then I realized that I can’t move, I can’t move and muscle. And I’m like, all I can move is my eyes. So my eyes are looking around the room. 

And I remember hearing clear as day like a giant waterfall behind my head, right. So it’s like I’m laying in front of just crashing water. And if you could just picture like a giant waterfall right behind you. That’s all you hear running water, crashing water. And I’m like, Okay, so I’m gonna sleep paralysis, you’re conscious of what’s going on. But at the same time, there’s hallucinations, and you can move muscle or you can move as your eyes and see you looking around, my first thought was like to grab my cross on my chain, because I was raised Catholic, but I don’t label myself as either Christian or I just believe there’s a God, right. So I’m trying to move my right hand as close to my chest to grab my chin as possible. So I’m just looking at my hand trying to make that connection. 

And my hand was barely moving. Because when you’re in sleep paralysis, it feels like something’s not only can you not move, but you feel a pressure on your whole body only holding you down, almost like something’s keeping you from getting up. So I’m trying my best to move my right hand and it got it got kind of far, but it’s not even close to my chest to where I can grab it. Because at the time, at the same time that I’m trying to move my hand I’m praying right? Naturally I go through that I’m just praying to God to get me out of this. Because I hear the crashing the water behind me, I feel a presence in my house. I didn’t my room but outside in the hallway. 

So just like earlier, like there’s something out there. I feel the presence. And it’s weird because you catch like the catch the intention of the presence, like I’m in your house, I’m walking around, and there’s nothing you can do about it. That’s kind of what I caught, right? And then I hear like tapping on my bed like, like, like, if you just lay your hand on a pillow or something, you know, I got to pull back. And I heard like, like, like their little feet like walking around like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, all around me. So I’ll just say, oh, man, whatever it is, it’s right here and I can’t move it. I’m powerless, right? And so I’m trying to snap out of it trying to snap out of it looking at my hand. And then finally I snap out of it. And it’s crazy when you’re in sleep paralysis because it’s not like you’re asleep with your eyes closed and then you wake up. My eyes were open and conscious the entire time. 

So when you snap out of it, you’re still there but everything fades with the crashing the crash and water faded away the presence of what I felt it kind of just went away. It’s kind of like you You separate from a different reality where whether it’s paranormal or not. It’s an experience that it’s terrifying. Terrifying because you’re you’re immobile and you’re still awake. To me it’s kind of like when people get surgery and they go under but they wake up in the anesthesia hasn’t done anything but like freeze their body. So anyway, so I snapped out of it. The next morning we wake up right we’re just like okay, that was crazy, right? 

Like I have to move the log from door and you know, the damn fuse box is broken after figuring out how to fix the door and we’re just both like in this in this like thing where we’re she had never experienced anything paranormal I had. So we were just talking about it. You know, we’re just like This is is this place haunted because nothing has ever happened here before, you know, or did something just follow us from wherever.

I don’t know, we were just trying to figure it out, because I feel very protected. As far as like anything spiritual. And she has people that have passed, and we believe they’re looking over her. So I kind of had, like we see right here, like the cross with the rosary, like just kind of like a little shrine with people who have passed and, you know, believing that they’re protecting me and being able to look at them like candles and stuff like that. 

So in my old apartment, I had the same setup right by the front door. So we’re getting up in the morning and setting up and then we look at the ground, and I’m pretty calm, pretty tidy, pretty clean, I keep everything clean, like the carpet on the ground was clean and everything. And I see just to clear, clear is the footprint, right? It’s just the footprint standing right in front of that shrine where all the crosses and all the roles and these were like he was facing it, right. And the craziest part was that the toes on it were like, it was three toes there you can see and that’s what really freaked me out because it was abnormal, like other other worldly footprint. 

You know, it wasn’t huge, and it wasn’t small, it was right in between, like I’m an 11. So it was like way smaller than that. But it wasn’t a baby foot you know, it was kind of right in between. and craziest part is how dirty it was and how dark it was compared to everything else because the carpet was clean. It was just a dirty dark footprint. Like facing the crosses and the front door the Rosary and the pictures of everyone that I believe is protecting me and ended the toes is really pointing really like distinctive, like it wasn’t shocking how clear it was that it was a footprint because you could see that there would have been nails there that would have been sharp at the end. 

So I’m thinking get it out like I don’t know if I’m allowed to cover this but all as I get the fuck out of here. Are you serious? And we’re both just staring at it and shocked like we couldn’t believe that there’s an actual physical like footprint that you could look at and be like there was something in our house and so I just start praying immediately doing what I can to like get rid of any energy negative energy or in my mind, I thought it was a demon I went straight like demon something trying to mess with me, you know, I believe like, evil in general, try to come at good people, when they know that your level you’re connected and in a positive way. 

They try to come and bring you down you know, so it’s like them knowing that I’m protected and I’m against it. They try to mess with me left and right and so I went okay, like I’m stronger than you so I’m not gonna let you affect me right? But it’s still there. So you’re just like I’m looking at the footprint and I did my best to try to clean it and it never couldn’t go away honestly. 

But this was a dark like I’m talking dark like someone had drawn it with like coal or something like not a black marker it wasn’t like that but it was like just dark and like it was almost like in the movies when you see something evil walked through like nice grassy field or some flowers and they immediately die. It was kind of like that, like the carpet was just did right there after that, you know, it wasn’t like we were gonna move out or anything but we we just we just had to accept it you know, and just hope that it wouldn’t happen again. 

It changed me in the way that I needed to be stronger, you know, because not that I was fearless but I didn’t feel that fear. You know, so I had to connect with my faith and be sure not to be sure but be stronger and believing that I was going to be okay. I believe that that having all of that the crosses the holy water the candles and all of that kind of like pushed it away. Because when I when I saw the footprint looking right like towards it and I was I okay once that’s when it knew like this is no one to mess with, you know, because it got past the door obviously and it stopped right there right before getting to us. That’s what I believe.

And we’re both just staring at it and shocked like we couldn’t believe that there’s an actual physical like footprint that you could look at and be like there was something in our house and so I just start praying immediately doing what I can to like get rid of any energy negative energy or in my mind, I thought it was a demon I went straight like demon something trying to mess with me, you know, I believe like, evil in general, try to come at good people, when they know that your level you’re connected and in a positive way. They try to come and bring you down you know, so it’s like them knowing that I’m protected and I’m against it. They try to mess with me left and right and so I went okay, like I’m stronger than you so I’m not gonna let you affect me right? But it’s still there. So you’re just like I’m looking at the footprint and I did my best to try to clean it and it never couldn’t go away honestly.

But this was a dark like I’m talking dark like someone had drawn it with like coal or something like not a black marker it wasn’t like that but it was like just dark and like it was almost like in the movies when you see something evil walked through like nice grassy field or some flowers and they immediately die. 

It was kind of like that, like the carpet was just did right there after that, you know, it wasn’t like we were gonna move out or anything but we we just we just had to accept it you know, and just hope that it wouldn’t happen again changed me in the way that I needed to be stronger, you know, because not that I was fearless but I didn’t feel that fear.

So I had to connect with my faith and be sure not to be sure but be stronger and believing that I was going to be okay. I believe that having all of that, crosses, the holy water, the candles and all of that kind of like pushed it away.